Should I Upgrade to Central Air in My Old House?

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Air Conditioner, Installation

Most of us are familiar with air conditioners and their importance in keeping us comfortable and cool especially when the temperature gets high enough to be intolerable. While air conditioning can be achieved in the home through various ways, such as window air conditioners (ACs), portable ACs, or mini-split ACs, central air conditioning is commonly encountered in most modern structures, especially in our homes.

So what is central air conditioning or central AC? It is a group of AC components situated in a different location, away from the desired areas to be cooled. This central AC system, also known as split-system air conditioning, uses an extensive system of supply and return ducts to deliver cooled air to designated areas of the house. In other words, as the AC system converts heat to cold air, it does so in another area of the house that is not being cooled. This is usually performed by an outdoor unit (compressor, condenser coil, and fan) and an indoor unit (evaporator coil and air handler), working simultaneously in a continuous cycle of removing heat and humidity from indoor air and, consequently, delivering cooled air. Air is circulated through the ductwork to different areas of the house and back again to the indoor unit.

The central AC system is controlled by a thermostat that turns on and off depending on the set temperature, which the system consistently maintains for all house areas. This is one of the major benefits of having central AC. Cooled air is provided everywhere in the home, doing away with the need for separately adjusting the temperature in each and every area.

Benefits to Having Central Air:

  1. Enhanced indoor air quality – Humidity levels are controlled efficiently, preventing formation of mold. Additionally, because indoor air passes through filters in a central AC system, the air that is delivered throughout the house is much cleaner with reduced airborne particles such as dust and pollen or other contaminants that may affect your health.
  2. Cost-effective – Initial costs may seem overwhelming, but in the long run, the investment and running costs in terms of refrigeration units are lower compared to the cost of individual AC units in each room of the house. Consider, too, that newer AC models are much more energy efficient, which help in keeping your energy bills lower.
  3. Space saving – Instead of having to place a room air conditioner unit in the room and taking up space, central AC can free up space in the area needing to be cooled.
  4. Easy maintenance – Getting to the AC unit is much more accessible since it is located in a manageable area of the house, such as outdoors or in a basement or central location.

With all its advantages, upgrading to a central AC system would be a sensible decision. Before making that commitment, though, consider the factors involved and ask yourself these questions before proceeding with the change.

“Are there multiple rooms in the home that you want to cool at the same time?”

As stated previously, the delivery of cooled air via ductwork in a central AC system is much more effective when you consider having to cool more than two areas or rooms simultaneously. This translates to a more comfortable and consistent temperature within the home.

“Do I have the necessary ductwork already present in my home?”

Combined with your allowable budget, you have to factor in the need for available ducts in your home, as this is necessary for the central AC system to deliver cooled air to different areas of the house. If you have an older home devoid of ductwork, retrofitting for a central AC system will involve cutting holes in your walls and further loss of storage space as supply and return ducts need to be installed behind walls or in closets. Even though less intrusive and more flexible ducts are available nowadays, you might consider an alternative to central AC. In this instance, a ductless mini-split HVAC system rather than central air could be a more efficient and cost-saving alternative.

“Will I be saving on energy expenses?”

Although the initial expense of installing a central AC system may be higher than settling for relatively cheaper cooling sources such as window ACs, the cost-effectiveness of a central AC system becomes evident in the long run. As previously discussed, most modern AC systems nowadays are energy efficient and therefore, lower your energy bills eventually.

“Is the noise level of my current AC system bothering me?”

Central AC systems operate relatively quieter than window or portable ACs. Because the AC unit’s compressor is located far away from the air-conditioned areas, you don’t have to contend with so much noise, which is a plus for cool and peaceful slumbers.

Modern advancements certainly provide more options for the homeowner. In terms of upgrading to central AC, budget and comfort considerations can be discussed with a licensed professional who will help you make the best decision for your needs. At Five Star Home Services, we strive to provide you with the best possible options for upgrading your air conditioning system. Give Five Star Home Services a call now at (833) 405-8009 so that you can be on your way to a cooler, more comfortable home.

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